Players of People's Postcode Lottery and their impact

How the players of People’s Postcode Lottery are creating lasting health change in Africa
We are delighted to announce that Postcode Global Trust, funded entirely by the players of People’s Postcode Lottery, has awarded Amref Health Africa UK £500,000 to spend on our work in 2022/23.
Flexible Funding
Importantly, this gift is flexible (or unrestricted), reflecting the trust that Postcode Global Trust are placing in Amref to spend the funds where they can have the greatest impact. This is the largest unrestricted gift that Amref UK has ever received, and it comes at a vital moment as sub-Saharan Africa recovers from the impact of the pandemic and the increasing challenges related to climate, conflict and the cost of living.

Sports for Health
Players of People’s Postcode Lottery have supported Amref since 2018, enabling us to sustainably strengthen health systems and improve access to quality healthcare for communities across sub-Saharan Africa. With over £1.1 million in funding awarded to date, players of People’s Postcode Lottery have supported Amref’s mission to end Female Genital Mutilation /Cutting (known as FGM/C) as well as reach young women and girls in Nairobi with vital sexual and reproductive health and rights education through sports. In addition, the Lottery has supported our communications and fundraising activity here in the UK, including our new website, launched in 2022.
The 2022 funding is supporting a vaccine equity project in Malawi. We are making sure communities can demand and access COVID-19 vaccines. The project will train 1,500 Community Health Workers (CWHs) on COVID-19 vaccine community mobilisation. CHWs will then educate their communities on the importance of COVID-19 vaccines and how to access them. Thanks to the support of the players of People’s Postcode Lottery, we aim to reach out to 70,000 households and 337,500 people with this vital information over the next year.
Here in the UK, People’s Postcode Lottery is helping Amref mobilise more resources for our work, inspire audiences through strong stories of impact and engage supporters through advocacy and campaigns.
Camilla Knox-Peebles, Amref UK’s Chief Executive, said:
“Thank you so much to the players of People’s Postcode Lottery for all your support to date. Becoming a People’s Postcode Lottery regular awardee represents a new milestone for Amref UK.
This flexible funding will be the catalyst for transformational growth at Amref UK, supporting our ambitions to achieve lasting health change for Africa’s most vulnerable and remote communities. We couldn’t do it without you.”

Players of People’s Postcode Lottery have supported more than 9,000 charities and good causes, like Amref, by providing more than £900 million in funding to date. If you would like to find out more about People’s Postcode Lottery and hear about the good causes that Player’s support, please visit:
[all images (c) Khadija Farah]

Written by

Eilidh Naismith
Philanthropy Officer
Amref UK