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If you'd like to support the work of Amref Health Africa, there are three priority areas where you can have an immediate impact. Please support Amref to reach people with vaccines and vital healthcare.

Help Mums and Babies Thrive
Summer Appeal

Help Mums and Babies Thrive

In Uganda's informal settlement, young mums and their babies face challenges to keep safe and healthy. Quality support from trained community health workers, and low-cost health innovations can help mothers feel confident and supported, so they can better care for their babies. Help us to support mothers in Uganda and across Africa to give their babies the best start in life.

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Kenya Floods Response
Emergency response support

Kenya Floods Response

Heavy rains caused floods that have devastated communities across Kenya. More than 300 people have died so far. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced and 90 temporary relief camps have sprung up. The communities affected urgently need food, water, sanitation, hygiene services and shelter. Vulnerable people still need rescued. Donate to support Amref's mobile clinics deliver emergency health services.

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Vaccine Solidarity with Africa
Together, we can end the pandemic

Vaccine Solidarity with Africa

We are aiming to raise £2 million over the next few years to support vaccination efforts across the continent - as well as strengthening other, vital health services that have suffered during the crisis.

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Talk to the team!
Need some help?

Talk to the team!

Our small but perfectly-formed team loves to hear from supporters, partners and friends - existing and new! We are slowly returning to the office, but there will always be someone available to answer your call, letter, or email. You can also message us on socials during office hours.

Get in touch

Images (c) Gregg Telussa (banner). Pictured in the banner image is Dr Ruth, a member of the Amref Flying Doctors team in Kenya.

Other images: Teddy Lutaaya, VHT, Kawempe, Kampala, Uganda (c) Amref Health Africa/Sarah Waiswa; Amref mobile clinic delivering emergency health services to flood-affected communities in Nairobi County, Kenya (c) Amref Health Africa/Linda Mwendwa Kariuki

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