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Your donation matters

How would you like to give?

Regular gifts make sustainable, long-term projects possible – please consider starting one, if you are able to.

Your gift of £25 could help purchase a mother and baby kit for an expectant mum, to help keep her newborn healthy.

Your one-off gift of £60 could help another girl to celebrate her transition to womanhood through an Amref-supported Alternative Rites of Passage ceremony.

Your one-off gift of £175 could train two frontline workers on vital child protection issues, including violence against girls, sexual exploitation and teenage pregnancy.

Your monthly gift of £5 could help train champions to educate their communities on the dangers of FGM/C.

Your monthly gift of £8 could help Amref to raise awareness of the dangers of FGM/C through community radio, text messages, and WhatsApp.

Your gift of £12 a month could help fund lab technicians to process test samples so pregnant mothers can receive proper care.


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