Pledge Your Pay
Pledge Your Pay is a movement of people standing in Vaccine Solidarity with Africa by donating one day's salary.

The biggest and most successful vaccination drive in UK history has gone from strength to strength with almost 70% of adults fully vaccinated (as of early December 2021). Vaccines are saving lives and preventing hospitalisation. For many communities in Africa, getting the vaccine is a distant prospect: as of early December 2021, less than 8% of the continent's population was fully vaccinated.
We believe that simple acts, like gifting a day’s worth of your pay, can make a lasting impact when we come together. Will you pledge your pay (for just one day) and stand in solidarity with Africa?
Your impact
While Africa is home to 17% of the global population, just 3% of the world’s health workers live on the continent. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Community Health Workers (CHWs) - like Fatuma Ajeeb, pictured, from Kibera, Nairobi - have provided the first line of defence against the virus. CHWs can ensure their communities are informed on the ways they can protect themselves and others from COVID-19. Health worker training was – and continues to be – a key focus of our response.
As Africa’s leading health charity, we have a significant role to play. Our Vaccine Solidarity with Africa campaign aims to address the uneven distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, which is costing lives and prolonging the pandemic. Working with partners, Amref is creating the conditions for a successful continent-wide vaccination drive: training health workers to administer the vaccine, setting up mobile clinics, transporting doses to remote regions, and working at community level to dispel fears and create demand.

With your help, we’ll be closer to ensuring no one is left behind in accessing the COVID-19 vaccine. By taking part in Pledge Your Pay, you will be supporting the many health heroes working tirelessly in their communities to tackle the pandemic and save lives.
All images (c) Brian Otieno for Amref Health Africa UK, March 2021

Stand in #VaccineSolidarity with Africa
Our Fundraising Officer, Eilidh Naismith, would be delighted to talk you through the different ways you can take part in Pledge your Pay - either as an individual, or as a company.