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What do people-centred interventions to end TB look like?

What do people-centred interventions to end TB look like?

Simply put, it means that we design an activity to reach a group of people based on what we know about them. That knowledge is provided by the community groups themselves, and the community health workers who live and work with them.

This is especially important when it comes to efforts to end contagious diseases like tuberculosis (TB). TB is a disease that not only affects someone’s health; it also impacts their family and social lives, and their livelihoods.

To end TB, we need to reach everyone with TB education, treatment and support services, particularly groups that are harder to reach because they are marginalised. These groups—those with hearing or sight impairments, drug users, sex workers—are among the most at-risk of contracting TB.

This is because they have jobs that expose them to more people, or because they cannot get access to the usual health information and services that others can access. We need to adapt the programme to effectively reach them.

People-centred interventions are also vital once a person is diagnosed with and treated for TB. Myths about TB drive stigma which can affect a TB patient’s whole life even after recovery. Stigma can cause them to self-isolate or be forced to isolate by others. It can also stop them from working, or even having children. Read more about the common myths driving TB stigma.

That’s why interventions like entrepreneurship training are necessary, to fight these myths and misinformation and to help recovered TB patients rebuild their lives and livelihoods.

The training includes building knowledge and understanding about TB, and helping recovered patients to develop financial and marketing skills that will help them build livelihoods to support themselves and their families. This is particularly crucial when the main breadwinners in families have self-isolated or stopped working because of TB myths.

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